Sunday, April 18, 2010

The end of the world according to juggalos

"man all you people got is hate let go of that s**t you diss on me cuz i spend my entire life gettin dissed on but lil punk b***hes like you n now i gotta deal with it across a computer ha!!f**k that s**t you guys are idiots you are programmed to believe whatever the f**kin system tells you if a f**kin guy with a degree in buttf**kology(actually it would be anatomy or some other medical degree) told you that anal sex cures cancer you'd take it every f**kin day because you listen to whatever the f**k people tell you is right we juggalos we stopped listening along time ago...icp just came through with some dope s**t and made us feel like apart of something instead of isolated from the world because of our perspective you really think i'm stupid f**k off you really think i need help f**k off i don't care you people are ruining the world today with your negetive actions all you do is follow the leader you follow the masses a few thousand go the other way you call us idiots the whole worlds comin to and end and your sayin we're crazy and stupid cuz we're pointing it out!!theres a reason why millions of people believe in 2012 because millions of people have the feeling its all about to end granted in the past a few have thought the same but in no one time has so many people on this earth felt this.....if all you wanna do is point out what your told then fine...but if you wanna start thinkin about the extranormal the things that are outside your programmed box then hit me up...f**k you if you hate on juggalos" - user: Krow420

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

"In God We Trust on money ruled constitutional" thread

"Interrogation Techniques (as pertaining to terrorists i assume) shouldn't be in the courts. Obama should not be a faggot and care about our National Security and let us fucking waterboard terrorist pieces of fuckin shit who need to go fuckin die in a fire anyway" - user: Red Scar

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Kid Crusher on Law And Order thread on Horrorcore forums

"Everytime i comment on the Syko Sam thang i get banned.
So ill keep it soft up in here for any babies up in here.
but basically i think its contradicting how people bob thier head to songs about murder and REAL serial slayings one day and then cry and snitch about them the next day. lol.
so any people front and say they knew the victims and were FRIENDS with them that it makes me sick. more than half of them are fucking liars. myspace friends arent real friends. meeting someone once at a show or after a show dont make you BFF either.

and sam isnt the first to do this. lets all remember Big Lurch, X-Raided, all the metal bands burning chirches and killing band members or even Charles Mansons music endeavors which pre-date his murders.

SKR raps about the Nightstalker, Manson, and other real killers with REAL victims without remorse or even blinking an eye then death lands on the doorstep of a couple of thier fans and all of a sudden its a tradgedy?!

anyone else feel what im saying?" - Forum.Horrorcore.Com User: Ghost-

Law And Order spit on Juggalos

In regards to an artist known as KidCrusher signing away his rights to be represented as a juggalo musician in a recent episode of Law and Order. The blog can be found here and is a goldmine for juggalo related retardation. I chose one of the more readable comments regarding a law suit the juggalos want.

"..Whoa that is absurd and really messed up. You should contact them. I don't wana instigate anything but you should sue for misled information/withheld information and discrimination against something your a music of. Something Related to that. That shit's not cool. I'm not really telling you what to do. Its just an opinion. That crap is hella wrong. That's like an Sketch Artist being asked to draw a picture of something & not being fully told what the picture is for. Then his artwork is on something that goes against what his intentions & beliefs are. anyways, mad respect for one of my fav artists stating his beliefs." - Myspace user: Venomous Wraith

Evolution according to juggalos

"but there are sooo many billion theories you can make up from monkey skeletons or how the earth were made with no concrete proof, how did we know that humans didnt turn into monkeys? or that humans experimented on monkeys?"
- youtube user Ingensson